Complaints and public interest disclosures
For information about how to make a complaint visit our Make a complaint about a Victorian integrity body page. Information about how to report improper conduct within the Victorian public sector and how to report detrimental action taken against a person in reprisal for reporting improper conduct can be found on our Make a Public Interest Disclosure page.
Request a call back
Leave a message on 1800 518 197 and we will try to call you back within one business day. At busy times, this may not be possible so please indicate if your matter is urgent. You can also email us at
National Relay Service
The National Relay Service can help people who are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment. All calls are confidential. To find out more about call, chat, SMS, video and other relay services, visit the National Relay Service service features page. All calls are confidential.
Interpreter and translator services
The Translating and Interpreting Service(opens in a new window) has interpreters for over 120 languages and dialects. To use it, please call 131 450.
Our postal address is Integrity Oversight Victoria, PO Box 617 Collins Street West, Melbourne VIC 8007.
Media and general office enquiries
For media and general office enquiries phone 0457 105 620 or email