Our jurisdictional remit and powers are established by the Integrity Oversight Victoria Act 2011 and 19 other Acts of Parliament. Under those Acts, we:
- receive, assess and handle complaints(opens in a new window)
- conduct investigations and inquiries (opens in a new window)
- monitor the exercise of significant powers
- conduct inspections(opens in a new window) of records.
In addition, we assess public interest disclosures(opens in a new window) and investigate public interest complaints that fall within our jurisdiction.
Because of the secrecy provisions under which we operate, much of what we do is not obvious to the general public. However, as well as an annual plan and an annual report each year, we publish various reports including reports on the use of controlled operations and surveillance devices by other integrity bodies, reports on the exercise of counter-terrorism powers by Victoria Police, reports on various monitoring projects we carry out, and occasional special reports on investigations or reviews conducted by us.