Make a complaint about a Victorian integrity body

Have you dealt with IBAC, the Victorian Ombudsman, or another Victorian integrity body that we oversee? If you have a concern, we can check whether or not the agency has complied with certain laws.

Who you can complain to us about

We may be able to assist you if you wish to make a complaint about:

  • IBAC or an IBAC officer (current and former)
  • a Victorian Ombudsman officer
  • a Victorian Auditor General’s Office officer
  • an Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner officer
  • the Chief Examiner or Examiners appointed under Section 21 of the Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004
  • the Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission or Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission officers
  • the former Office of Police Integrity.

It is important to understand that we are not a review body and cannot overturn or change a decision of another integrity agency.

For more information about how to make a complaint and what to expect:

Before you make your complaint

Making your complaint
