Annual reports and plans
Read our annual reports and plans to find out more about what we do
Controlled operations reports
Controlled operations allow law enforcement officers to engage in an activity that may be unlawful, to investigate criminal activity
Surveillance devices reports
We oversee the use of surveillance devices by Victorian law enforcement agencies to obtain evidence or information relating to a Commonwealth or State offence
Inspection reports on counter-terrorism powers
Victoria Police has special powers under the Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 to prevent or respond to a terrorist act or threat. Find our inspection reports on their use of powers
Special reports
We make special reports to Parliament on any matter relating to the performance of our duties and functions, including investigations
Integrity reports
As part of our oversight of a body’s performance of its duties or functions, or use of coercive powers, we may produce integrity reports and make recommendations or suggestions for improvement
Find guidelines that we've produced
Video library
Videos created by Integrity Oversight Victoria and the Victorian Inspectorate