Service charter

Our service charter explains what you can expect if you make a complaint about another agency to us

This is what you can expect when you make a complaint to us about another agency. We will:

  • assess complaints in our jurisdiction
  • provide reasons for outcome decisions
  • provide a free, fair and independent service
  • protect your privacy as required by law
  • act in line with our values of integrity, courage, collaboration, dedication, respect and human rights.

What you can complain about

We can consider complaints about the conduct of the following public bodies or public offices:

  • Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) and IBAC personnel
  • Victorian Ombudsman officers
  • Victorian Auditor-General’s Office officers
  • Chief Examiner and Examiners
  • Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner officers
  • Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission and Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Commission officers.

You can complain about some aspects of how a body or an officer performed their role. The complaint may be that the public body or public officer acted in a way that was:

  • against the law
  • unreasonable, unjust, oppressive or improperly discriminatory
  • based on ‘improper’ motives
  • an abuse of power
  • otherwise improper.

You may want to submit a public interest disclosure if your complaint is about improper conduct or detrimental action.

Look at our PID guidelines(opens in a new window) to learn more about the protections you will receive and who you can make a public interest disclosure about. You can make a disclosure orally or by using our online PID form(opens in a new window).

Unless you are making a public interest disclosure, we do not handle any complaints about:

  • Wage Inspectorate Victoria
  • local government
  • Victoria Police
  • universities and TAFEs
  • private legal practitioners.

If you have a complaint about any of the above, look at 'complaints we cannot investigate' on our make a complaint page.

Our commitment

We are committed to:

  • providing a free, independent and accessible service
  • acknowledging and progressing complaints as quickly as we can
  • providing reasons for our decisions
  • treating you and your complaint fairly, and with respect and professionalism
  • respecting and protecting human rights and your privacy
  • promoting accountability for decisions and improving the integrity system.

When you make a complaint we will:

  • acknowledge and assess your complaint as quickly as possible
  • consider whether we are the right place for your complaint
  • consider whether the information you’ve provided should be handled as a public interest disclosure (unless you have indicated otherwise)

  • aim to understand the outcome you are seeking and explain whether Integrity Oversight Victoria has the power to achieve that outcome

  • make enquiries to get relevant information or documents about your complaint
  • review how to address your complaint, including whether it needs to be formally investigated
  • provide formal or informal feedback to the body you complained about, if appropriate
  • keep you informed about the progress and outcome of your complaint.

What you can expect from us

You can expect to be treated with professionalism, fairly and with respect. When you submit a complaint to us, we weigh up 5 questions:

  1. Is the complaint in our jurisdiction?
  2. How urgent and serious is the complaint?
  3. Do we need more information to understand and assess your complaint?
  4. Is there enough evidence to support the complaint?
  5. What action can we take to improve future conduct?

Please note, we cannot overturn the decision of another body or tell them to change a decision.

Keeping you informed

To keep you informed we aim to:

  • acknowledge that we have received your complaint within 5 business days
  • update you about your complaint every 4 weeks.

The frequency of communication and speed of processing your complaint depends on many factors, including the nature of the complaint, the issues involved and whether it is a public interest disclosure.

How you can help us

You can help us process your complaint quickly and efficiently by:

  • checking whether we can deal with your complaint
  • considering whether you are making your complaint as a public interest disclosure, and if so, using our online PID form
  • making your complaint in writing, via our online complaint form or submitting your complaint by post
  • providing as much information as possible about your complaint, including specific information that will help us understand the facts and circumstances of the complaint and who you are complaining about
  • being clear about the outcome you seek
  • treating us with the same respect as we will provide to you. If your behaviour impacts our ability to assess your complaint, we may not be able to proceed.

Complaints about Integrity Oversight Victoria

If you have any concerns about the handling of your complaint, please contact us at

If you want to make a complaint about us, you can make a complaint or a public interest disclosure to the Victorian Parliament’s Integrity and Oversight Committee(opens in a new window).

You can also make a public interest disclosure to:

  • the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
  • the President of the Legislative Council.
