1.1 Purpose
A public interest disclosure is when you report corruption or other misconduct by public bodies and officers in the Victorian public sector.
It’s colloquially known as ‘blowing the whistle’.
Public interest disclosures play an important role in stopping corruption and other kinds of misconduct.
In reading these guidelines you’ll learn:
- how to make a public interest disclosure to Integrity Oversight Victoria
- how we’ll handle it
- when we have to pass it on to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
- how to make a public interest disclosure about Integrity Oversight Victoria or our officers (to the Integrity and Oversight Committee of Parliament or a Presiding Officer)
- the protections available to those who make a public interest disclosure.
1.2 Our commitment
Under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (PID Act), we will:
- take all appropriate steps to help you make a public interest disclosure
- handle the public interest disclosure
- deal with notifications and investigations
- make sure you know your rights.
These guidelines:
- follow the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (PID Act)
- should be read in conjunction with IBAC’s Guidelines for handling public interest disclosures (January 2020)
- don't constitute legal advice.
We recommend that you get your own advice on how the PID Act will apply to your circumstances.